Volume 278

Updated 2/1/2025

tmroz @ outlook.com

Monthly News - Volume 278


Picture of the Month is Stephanie on skis at Alpine Valley.  She's gone for a number of winters, minus when Covid shut the program down, and she loves it.  There are a number of volunteers who work with special needs youth to allow them to enjoy the experience of going down snow covered hills.  In Stephanie's case she usually has 3 or 4 who help her with the equipment, get her to the top of the hill and ski down.  For her, skiing has been coming down with one of the volunteers behind her using straps tethered to her skis.  She's improved a lot in being able to move left and right as she proceeds down the hill.  Pictures of the Month shows her for the first time, coming down a small slope on her own, without the support of the straps.  Good job, Stephanie.  It's her last time this year but she'll be back again next year.


Regarding winter weather, it's been a strange January for south east Wisconsin.  We have no snow cover and I haven't had to use the snow blower the entire month.  There has been snow to the north and snow to the south but only dustings for us.  The temperatures have been a mix of average and cold, however the end of the month is giving us warm weather.  In fact, at the end of the month I washed the car in the driveway since the daily high hit 55 degrees.  Of course winter isn't over yet, but I did order my garden supplies.


A couple of months ago, I fixed up links to maps of where Nancy & my ancestors immigrated from on the Family Stories page based on my genealogy research.  This month I made another change.  I added a short section of where ancestors originated from generations ago.  It comes from a genealogical site called MyHeritage and it's based on DNA testing that Nancy & I did a while ago.  They've refined their estimates and I can now show the latest results.


All in all, fewer events this past month, so fewer pictures.


Blessing to our dear Brewers radio announcer Bob Uecker who passed away in January.  The last Movie link I posted a few months ago was a 60 Minutes interview with him.  If you haven't seen it, it's worth a look.


Two notes to remember from previoius months--

(Update 8/2022.  In June 2022, 2 $1000 scholarships were awarded to graduating seniors.)

(Update 6/2023.  In June 2023, 3 $1000 scholarships were awarded to graduating seniors.)

(Update 6/2024.  In May 2024, 3 $1000 scholarships were awarded to graduating seniors.)





Enjoy the pictures!